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Meet one of ACA's stalwart runners

Hi everyone

Meet one of our stalwart, best-known runners at ACA. Every now and then we run an occasional series introducing some of our runners. Today, meet Margie Peat, W60+.

How much training do you do? Is there a training activity that is particularly working well for you? I train for life which means that I try to stay fit so when any event is looming I am already mostly fit and can just step up with a few extra runs depending on how long the event is. I own a business and have limited time for training. I try to swim 3 mornings a week and run twice a week, 1 run of at least an hour. I also bike to work (around 35-40 mins each way depending on the wind.

How is your running going this year? what are some of the highlights? A high spot was finishing the Tarawera Ultramarathon 63km. Having rolled my ankle 6-7 weeks before I struggled to get enough 4 hour runs in but was pleased to go under 9 hours. The World Masters Athletics in Perth last October was the real highlight. There was such a buzz and my first experience at such an event and to win topped it off.

Do you enjoy being a part of ACA? I do. It is a way to meet new people and run in a supportive atmosphere.

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